Sunday, February 26, 2006

Cries In The Night

The Purple Dragon woke up twice last night with terrible gas pains. It took us a while to figure out what the problem was because she was in so much pain she decided not to communicate with us. Finally, she pointed to her stomach, and we took a guess as to what the problem was. King Isepik started pumping her legs and we were soon rewarded (hm, perhaps that is not the best choice of words) with, well, you know. We thought all was well and sent her back to bed.

Less than an hour later it started up again, this time seemingly worse than the first time. King Isepik tried pumping her legs again but it only made her scream more so I got online to
1) confirm that it was what I thought
2) see if there were any miracle cures
3) see if it could potentially lead to other problems (a symptom of a bigger problem) or worse, and,
4) see what kind of medicine is available to buy to alleve suspected problem.

King Isepik went to Wal-Mart and purchased Children's Mylanta while I comforted The Purple Dragon the best I could, and she continued to alleviate the pain in a rather stinky way (but hey, at least she was starting to feel better). By the time he got back, The Purple Dragon was quite happy and all smiles, and thrilled (I'm serious here -- no sarcasm whatsoever) at the prospect of getting to take medicine.
Since it was midnight and we were afraid that we might be awakened again, we went ahead and gave her the medicine and tucked her back in bed.

She is fine now. No more disruptions. Acting silly and crazy as usual. All is well.

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